King of MyHyup 1.0

Author Joe Hewitt
Language FreePascal
Platform Win-Linux
Status 7DRL Complete
Website Home Page

King of MyHyup was an entry for the second 7DRL challenge, written from scratch in FreePascal by Joe Hewitt, creator of GearHead and DeadCold.

King of MyHyup, Screenshot 1The game has a very original take on the player mission, you must gain 10 followers and be crowned as the King; unfortunately, you are not alone in this wish, and you will have to convince the rest of dwellers of the Kingdom to follow you. As you get more and more allies you will become more respected and will be able to order them to recruit or kill somebody. And off course, there will be more people going after your head seeking to be respected!

The game itself is simple and fun; you choose the initial ‘job’ of the character you will control in the world, which determines how well respected you are initially. Then you must travel looking for followers and convince them on going with you by talking and giving them presents, or through intimidation (fighting). The world itself is not very big, but that is not the idea either.

King of MyHyup, Screenshot 2The user interface has a small map, panels for the PC and a NPC stats, and a big scrolling message area. It would be nice if the map was bigger, but still it has no real implications on gameplay.

One thing that could be improved is a more indeep interaction with NPCs, but it is understood that being a roguelike made in 7 days, it is hard to achieve such complexity.


It is fun and not too hard, would be better if more interaction options were given, also, the map is a bit too small, but the message area is very informative as well as the detailed status of the NPC


The game itself is very well presented, although the big message list takes a lot more space than it should, thus the map area looks a bit cluttered. There’s usage of ASCII art on some buildings and terrain features, which looks just good.


The AI of the followers is interesting, non-conventional gameplay is nice


There is not much in there, but there is not a lot to add as well. The game is just good like this.

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