Migration to wordpress.com

…should be complete! all requests to the old roguetemple.com wordpress installation should be redirected to https://blog.roguetemple.com and should link to the same content.

Along the way I also cleaned up roguetemple’s web directory, the following were archived:

  • The complete old wordpress installation
  • Banners from the old banner rotation program roguetemple had
  • Some random files that were behind hosted in the projects, share and villaDownloads directories (contact me if you miss them)
  • Backups from the IRLDB which is now hosted at forums.roguetemple.com
    • This is so because it has an integration with the forums to post your reviews and score
  • A (broken) poll for the IRDC 2009 location

Things that rightfully remained:

Interesting things I found:

  • The original 2006 Roguelike World Map (prior to the Roguemundi), which I plan to revamp soon. (BTW, this is the actual add request link)
  • The (broken) proof of concept for “atTube“, a service to upload roguelike playthroughs similar to YouTube, using a console recorder.

Please let me know if you notice any dead links or missing content!


Two new first level articles added to the site

Based on my recent research and considerations of the roguelikes in the videogames scene in 2018, I just published two new articles on the site. Both originate from my talk on the Roguelike Celebration 2017.

The first one is “A short history of the “roguelike” term“, which expands upon my previous article “On the Historical Origin of the “Roguelike” Term“, covering the events after the term was established and the subsequent confusion.

The other related article is What is a Traditional Roguelike; after 10 years of trying to come up with long lists of definitions, I narrowed it down to 4 critical aspects I think traditional roguelikes should keep

International Roguelike Database Updated!

The International Roguelike Database, developed  by fellow elite roguetemplar “Z“, has been updated and now allows you to rate and comment on the roguelikes, as well as create your “rogue” profile, by describing your level of expertise on each game.

IRLDB fetches its data daily from roguebasin, and allows you to search information about the games in a more practical way. There are currently 290 roguelikes on the list.

If you are a developer, you’ll be able to see who are your players, how cool they think they are and their comments on your game. Isn’t this great?

Please note that in order to use the community features of the IRLDB, you just have to login into the forums (no need to create another account)

Go now, rate, comment and build your rogue profile!