7DRL Celebration and GDC meetup at Roguenet

There have been two further events using roguenet, the first one happened on July 8 with the occasion of the 7DRL reviewing committee finally finishing their reviewing work; the top 12 games by average score where showcased at the temple at another 1 day long celebration, similar to the previous 7DRL Expo.

For this event I managed to add a simple geocaching game, as well as a small but needed feature to know when one person was typing, to prevent awkward typing silences where you didn’t know if the conversation had died already (especially needed because of the private hangouts)

Sometime later, July 21 2021, I decided to use roguenet as a virtual venue for the yearly GDC roguelike meetup; this time I managed to include a big change in the chat feature for experimentation; the private hangouts where replaced with a “shout” kind of interface, where you didn’t have to start and join them but rather could hear whatever nearby people (within your sight) was saying.

In the end it seems a mixture of both conversation systems will be the best; we will only know until next event. I will continue developing roguenet for future events. If you are curious or want to help, you can always check the repo.

First 7DRL Expo @ RogueNet

March 25, 2021, we had the first ever 7DRL Expo at RogueNet.

The temple was set up to host the booths for 11 different roguelike projects, visitors were able to check a video of the 7DRL, and talk with their developers using roguenet’s unique chat interface.

Following the peculiarities of the 7DRL challenge, the event happened on a single day IN YOUR CURRENT TIMEZONE. I created a simple tool to schedule your timing to log into the expo, for increased chances of meeting with the developers of the games.

A new expo, featuring the top 10 7DRLs of 2021 and an improved version of roguenet, is planned to be organized as soon as the review committee shares their results.

Spoiler Alert: The 7DRL Expos are being organized in preparation of the first roguetemplecon, which I hope to run in Q3 2021.